Posts Tagged ‘tooth’


July 15, 2009

My Root Canal went great! My friends had already prepped me with all the usual root canal horror stories – you’ll have to go a dozen times and it will take 17 hours each time; it hurts so much they strap you down; and my personal favorite, they pull the side of your jaw off with a pair of rusty pliers. But the dentist said “about half an hour” and I decided to trust him, after all, he had probably done one or two of these procedures before.

There was almost no pain – the injection into my gum to deaden the area hurt a little bit, but not much – and the entire procedure took about 40 minutes. 10 to 15 minutes of that was waiting on the deadening agent to kick in before they actually began to work. So a big THANK YOU to Dr. Douglas Snowden and his team!

And if a certain nurse is reading this – and you know who you are – OOPS! 😆